Communicator - Password Reset

If you are unable to remember your password, you are always able to reset your password on your own.

Follow these steps to reset your password.

  1. From the Communicator login screen, click the “Forgot my password” link below the login button


  2. Enter your email address in the field and click Continue


  3. A password reset link will be sent to your email.


  4. The email will come from “Mueller <>” with the subject “i-Communicate G3: Password Recovery”

    NOTE: This is not spam! (Example below)

    Click on the link in the email to reset your password.


  5. You will be directed to a site with a temporary password. Use this to login to Communicator


  6. After logging in, you will immediately be requested to change your password. Enter your new password twice and click OK.


  7. This completes the password change