Communicator - Changing your edition
If you are assigned multiple licenses, you may can switch between Communicator editions. To change your current Communicator edition, simply follow these steps:
To login to the Agent (call center) edition, follow these steps:
From Communicator, click on Tools and then select Communicator edition…
From the Choose Communicator edition dialog, click the drop down and select Agent (call center)
Communicator will ask permission to reset; click Yes
Communicator will restart
You may be asked for your Agent ID and if required, your Agent PIN (this should be off by default)
Once logged in, Communicator will ask you to Login to any available queues you are assigned.
Queues that you are assigned will be listed in the Queues field.
NOTE: If you click Cancel, you will not be logged into any queues and you will not receive calls.
To login to the Business edition, follow these steps:
From Communicator, click on Tools and then select Communicator edition…
From the Choose Communicator edition dialog, click the drop down and select Agent (call center)
Communicator will ask permission to reset; click Yes
Communicator will restart