How to create a re-occurring event for a teams meeting in FSMail


Some users have an issue on the secondary mail server (FSMail) when trying to add recurring meetings to their calendar. These steps detail a work-around for this issue and detail how to manually add a recurring meeting to their own calendar with the teams meeting link.


  1. In the meeting invite, highlight and copy all of the text between the “<“ and “>” symbols:


  2. Hit the calendar button in the top right:


  3. Hit the “add new event” button:


  4. There are a lot of setting here so we’ll work on them by section. Make sure the title is filled in to accurately reflect the meeting you will be attending. In the description, this is where you paste the link to the meeting from step 1. For Calendar, select “Personal Calendar”. Where it says “Add a category”, I type in “Meeting” and choose the meeting tag (this probably does not actually affect anything but I recommend doing it anyways.) Select the “Public” radio option. For priority, you can choose whatever you’d like. I slide it to “5” to give a “normal” priority.


  5. Select the date of the first day of your recurring meeting. Then we need to select the proper starting time. This time selector is very… quirky. Select the correct hour number and then the correct minutes. In the screenshot below, I am highlighting the two options I would select for an 11:00 start time. Then do the same for the end time.


  6. Under the “repeat” drop-down, select the interval of your recurring meeting. If there are no options here, something is wrong and you will have to revisit the previous steps. Assuming everything is correct, select daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your meeting intervals.
    For example, if you have a meeting every Tuesday and Thursday then you would select daily. For a weekly or bi-weekly meeting, you would select weekly and etc. In this example, we are going to set up a bi-weekly meeting. To do this, we will have to hit the “+” button next to the “repeat” drop-down.


  7. Because we want a bi-weekly meeting, we will be inputting Every “2” Week(s). Then select the correct day(s) of the week that the meeting will be occurring. For “End Repeat”, select how many iterations will be added to your calendar. Since bi-weekly would be about twice a month, I am inputting “12” which would go about 6 months out. This way, you will only have to add this to your calendar every 6 months. You can choose as long or short of an interval as you’d like, but don’t forget that if you have too short of an interval then you will have to keep adding this meeting to your calendar.


  8. The last thing for us to do is set a reminder for the event. This can be done by checking the “Reminder” checkbox. You can then input the amount of minutes before the event starts for the alert to be sent. Here I am selecting “Show an alert” but you can choose to have an email sent if you prefer. Hit Save and you should be all set!


After saving, it is recommended that you check your calendar to make sure the event is now showing up. Make sure the “Personal Calendar” selector is turned on. If there are any issues, please feel free to submit an IT ticket at