Removing Outlook Nicknames
Outlook saves the names and e-mail addresses that you type into the To: and CC: lines in a special file, called a Nickname file. This feature is what produces the familiar auto-complete list of names when you start typing in these fields. Occasionally, an incorrect or outdated address will be saved in this file and it is necessary to remove it.
How to remove the outdated or incorrect address
- Begin typing the name you want to remove. A drop-down list will appear of all names that match the letters you type. In the example below, when a j is typed, any name or email address starting with a "j" appears.
- To narrow the search, type more letters of the name you are looking for. In this example, jay has been typed and the long list is reduced to four names.
- Using the arrow keys on the keyboard not the mouse, highlight the name you wish to remove. In this example, has been highlighted/selected.
- Press the Delete key on your keyboard, and the name will be removed from the Outlook Nickname list.
- Repeat for any other problem names (e-mail addresses).
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