Resetting your website password

If you have received a password reset email more than 30 minutes ago, you can request a new one by following these instructions as well.

Step-by-step guide

Common Misspellings:

There are 2 ‘L’s and 2 'R’s in MuellerReports

Make sure you are spelling “Mueller” and not “Muller” or “Meuller”

There is a period between your first and last names in your email address

  • Click "Lost Your Password? Request One Now."


  • You will receive an email to your personal email address with instructions on how to change your password. Click on the Reset Password link within that email to change your password.

  • The password reset email will expire after 30 minutes, so be sure to change your password immediately.

NOTE : If you change your website password, it will also change your email password and your Phoenix password as the two sites are linked.

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