Remote users with Citrix and a Chromebooks

Getting started with your at home workstation.

Instructions for setting up the Hardware

Begin by clearing a space for your Chromebook, USB docking station, keyboard w. mouse, and monitor(s)

  1. Arrange your equipment to your personal taste. Connecting the equipment to power sources.
  2. Connect the USB dock to the Chromebook. 
  3. Connect the USB dock to the monitor(s).
  4. Connect the USB dock to the keyboard and mouse.
  5. Turn on the Chromebook, the other equipment will activate as well. 
  6. Enter the username and password. 
    -The username will be:
    -The password will be provided.

Instructions for getting started with Citrix. 

  1. Open the RSA SecurID Software Token application on your personal or Mueller provided mobile device. 
  2. Open the AnyConnect by Cisco application on the Chromebook.
  3. Use the passcode from RSA and your username and to connect to the VPN in AnyConnect by Cisco
    -Username: First initial and last name, FLastname
  4. Open the Citrix Workstation login using your Mueller credentials. 
    -Username: Mueller\FLastname
  5. Select the workstation you wish to use, this will open a window with your desktop. 
  6. From the top-center menu, select Multiple Monitor to work on two screens.
    -If you were provided with two monitors, close your Chromebook prior to this step. 

You are now all set to work.