My Appraiser, Field Rep, or QA Agent Can't Login

Here is a list of common user errors that prevent users from successfully logging into Mueller Enterprise and how to work through them prior to contacting technical support.

Problem : General “I can’t login”

Confirm the following:

  1. Are they using Google Chrome?

Our website is designed specifically for Google Chrome, any other browser is going to provide reduced functionality.

Right :

Wrong :

Common Questions:

Q: Is Edge or Firefox OK?

A: No, only Google Chrome

2. What username are they typing in?

99.9% of usernames are going to be

Common Misspellings:

There are 2 ‘L’s and 2 'R’s in MuellerReports

Make sure they are spelling “Mueller” and not “Muller” or “Meuller”

3. Are they typing in their password correctly?

Common issues:

Is Caps Lock on?

Are they using an old password?

4. If a FR or Appraiser (not QA), can they login to

If they can, all they need to do are enter in these credentials into Mueller Enterprise and they should be good to go! Email and ME credentials sync up to provide a Single Sign On experience.

**If you confirm all these things and they still can’t login, proceed to the next section for more advanced login issues

Problem: “I’m getting an error message”

Below we’ll look at common error messages and what they mean:

Error 1: “Incorrect username or password or the account has been locked out”/ ”Invalid Username/Password”

Looks like this at the bottom of the screen in ME

Looks like this on the field rep site

Explanation: They are with 100% certainty typing their username or password in wrong. There is not a problem with the site. Please navigate to the top of the page and confirm the first 4 things again.


Error 2: “Oh no, an error has occurred. Please try again, or contact Technical Support if the issue persists”

Looks like this in ME

Explanation: This kind of error only occurs after the user successfully logs in. This is no longer a case of bad username/password. Odds are they are getting this error because they are not using Google Chrome. I’ve mostly seen this issue happening when the user is using Microsoft Edge

Problem : “My password reset link is expired/didn’t come”

There are a few courses of action that can be taken for this problem.

  1. Request a new password reset link from the site

    1. ME :

    2. Field Rep Site :

2. Be sure that they are checking their personal emails for the password reset email.

3. Make sure they are opening the password reset link in Google Chrome.

Next Steps:

  1. They can try clearing Google Chrome browser cache:

  2. They can also try requesting a new password from the site

ME :

Field Rep Site :

3. If everything above fails, please encourage the user to directly contact technical support via our portal at