Logging in to Phoenix

WARNING : You must have at least 1 case assigned to you in order to login for the first time. Please contact your Training Coordinator if you do not yet have a case.

Step-by-step guide

  • Locate the Phoenix app and open it


  • Select Login



  • Enter your Mueller email address, and your existing password for Mueller Enterprise/Mueller Email site


  • Press Login


  • You're Done!

Note if you receive an error when you try to login, please ask yourself the following:


  1. What username are you typing in?

Your username should follow this format: firstname.lastname@muellerreports.com

Common Misspellings:

There are 2 ‘L’s and 2 'R’s in MuellerReports

Make sure you are spelling “Mueller” and not “Muller” or “Meuller”

There is a period between your first and last names in your email address

2. Are you typing your password in correctly?

Common issues:

Is Caps Lock on?

Are you using an old password?

3. Has your training coordinator confirmed they have assigned you a case?

If you have run through the above and are still unable to login, please try resetting your password with the linked instructions :