Communicator - Merge Calls Using Agent Panel

When using the Communicator Agent Panel, it is not entirely intuitive on how to merge two (or more) calls into one call. Also called three-way calling.

If you need to add in a third party (or more) to an existing call, but be able to confer with the third party before merging the calls, please follow the instruction below.

This is for use with the Agent Panel only.

You may repeat this for as many callers as you need to add to the call.

Merge Calls/Three-way calling

  1. While on a call that you need to add in a third party, but would like to announce/confer with the third party prior to merging the calls, put the first call on hold - Figure 1

  2. From the Communicator main panel, click the Phone icon to get a new outgoing phone line - Figure 2

  3. Enter in the phone number or extension you wish to call using the keypad, your keyboard, or by clicking on a contact - Figure 2

  4. Click the call button to make the call - Figure 2

    NOTE: If you adding in the Language Line, you may skip steps 2 through 4 and simply select Contacts, enter Language in the filter and then double-click on the Language Line extension ( 850). - Figure 3

  5. Once on the other call and you are ready to merge the calls, you can optionally place them on hold and then click the Transfer button - Figure 4

  6. From the Transfer dialog, click the drop down - Figure 5

  7. Select “My other call” - Figure 5

  8. Click the Transfer button

Please note that all calls should now be connected. However, if you have placed them on hold, you will have to resume each line to enable them all to hear each other.

Figure 2